Rotavator Insights

Rotavator is a type of tractor implement that uses rotating razors to shift soil for seedbed formation. This not only develops the area for sowing but also end weeds stubbles of paddy, maize, sugarcane, mixing compost or fertilizer, shirks previous crop debris and blending in the soil, smashing clods, etc. all these activities promote soil strength also helps farmers save fuel, cost, time & energy. 



A tractor rotavators got power from the tractor PTO that provides the rotary motion to the rotavator blades. Now new rotavators are equipped with gearbox and transmission system that helps control the speed of rotavator and also help in desired soil formations. 


Use of Tractor Rotavator


Here are the top uses of tractor rotavator in agriculture. 


  • A tractor rotavator helps the operator in rapid seed-bed development.
  • Rotary tillers cut the time and effort in preparing.
  • An intensified high variety of work also reduced fuel damage and cut the cost of services.
  • Rotavator can be used in primary and secondary tillage work.
  • Soil twisting work done by tractor rotavator can maximize the number of nutrients to the products helps in increases the profit.
  • A tractor rotavator kills the weed and helps in controlling it.


Best Tractor Rotavator Available in Farm Equipment Market.


There are many models of rotavators available in the market and all of them have their unique features. See the list of best tractor rotavator available in the farm equipment market


  1. Fieldking Gold Rotavator
  2. Mahindra Gyrovator ZLX 205.
  3. Dasmesh 642 (6 Feet)
  4. Shaktiman Side Shift Series SRT


Types of Tractor Rotavator


In farming and planting work there are mainly two kinds of rotavator one is power tiller these are self-propelled and another tractor PTO powered rotavator. Let's check out the list of tractor rotavator used in agriculture



Hope now get the idea of Rotavators.