Farm Machinery in India

Farm machinery is a mechanical device including tractor and implements like harvester, rotavator, plow used in farming to save human effort.

There is various farm equipment with play a major role in development in agriculture production, As we know some part of Indian economy depends on agriculture productivity. so overall we can say Farm machinery is a major in our country's economic growth.



farm machinery

There are below the list of popular agriculture machine use in India.

Combine Harvester- It is an agriculture machine use to crop the harvest
Plough- Plough is used to turning the soil.
Rotavator- Rotavator is a tractor-drawn implement which is mainly used for seedbed preparation.
Leveler- Land leveler helps keep the land ready for cultivation, it is used to leveling the ground
Tractor Trailer- Trailers help the farmers to move products from one place to another