An Overview of Farming Implements

Farming Implements constitutes all those types of implements that help farmers to carry out the various processes required to enhance the output of quality crops materials.


In the modern era, mechanization is one of the important mantras of the farming industry. Now the farmer of the whole world is using modern agriculture machinery. As we know In ancient times, people mostly depended on manual processes of farming and there was no trace of any agriculture equipment. Due to this reason, farmers had to sacrifice a lot of sweat and blood to bring about the quality production of crops.

We can see an example, only sowing of seeds alone used to take a lot of time and an individual resource was required to toil throughout the day. That time a single task took up most of the day. Now a day things have changed drastically for the better.


Modern agriculture machinery is one of the major factors to achieve the same.


Farm Field Equipment

  • Tractor: Tractors are one of the precious farm equipment for farmers due to their hydraulic systems, which allow to control several different attachable implements for cultivation, seeding, planting, crop protection, and harvesting. 



Cultivation Equipment

  • Cultivation equipment is used for the preparation of the soil for planting, like a plough, harrow,rotavator and many more. farmers generally use plough to overturn big chunks of earth, thereby loosening soil and covering up weeds, while harrows use to fine-comb the soil surface and to eliminate any remaining lumps.



Planting Equipment

  • Seeding or Planting equipment includes a multi-row planter, happy seeder, pneumatic planter, disc seed drill, roto seed drill is used to planting the seed on the proper distance.


Seeding Equipment

Harvesting Equipment

  • Harvesting equipment is used to perform harvesting operation, Combine Harvester, forage, mover, the ripper is used for harvesting purposes, the combine is one of the most popular farm implements used for harvesting the crops it performs multiple operations like reaping, threshing, and winnowing into a single pass.

